Taking control of your thoughts will enable you to perform to your fullest potential in all aspects of life.
M3 works with families, children, sports people, businesses and tertiary institutions delivering tailored sessions based on the cornerstone that employing 'metacognition' will eliminate stress, anxiety and depression whilst enhancing performance thereby improving virtually any situation in life.
This is done by understanding metacognition, finding out what it is, how it works and how to use it. Metacognition has been known about for centuries but very few people really understand it!
That was unbelievable! Excellent presentation and knowledge passed on. Very good examples of daily life things as well as current affairs.
Thank you very much for doing this! Please come back again!Kashif Shuja, Professional Squash Player
Peter has excellent people skills. His ability to listen and respect others enables him to develop people’s personal strengths in and out of the workplace.
Jonathon Keegan, Director, Keegan Electrical